The Poetry of the suggestive landscape in Taras Fedyuk’s lyrics.


  • Nina Anisimova Бердянський державний педагогічний університет


suggestive lyrics, associative image, landscape, chronotope, contrast, paradox, comparison, coloristics


The article deals with the artistic and expressive peculiarities of the suggestive lyrics of Taras Fedyuk, the representative of 1980’s poetic generation. The author states, that the question of aesthetical functioning of psychologically filled landscapes remains aside of research interests; that gives reason to argue about the author’s susceptibility to introspective thinking. The purpose of the proposed exploration – on the material of poetry by T. Fedyuk to trace the main manifestations of lyrical suggestion associated with the image of the evening and night landscapes, reveal a close relationship with the associative and metaphorical imagery that will serve as the formation of a more complete understanding of the specificity of modern poetry in general. Poetry by T. Fedyuk confirms the author's mastery in the depiction of the suggestive landscape, especially of the favorite part of the day – evening and night. Suggestibility is shown through various emotional states of lyrical subject that emphasize psychological depth, philosophical fullness, illogicality sentiment. Suggestion casts the reader ample opportunity for interpretation of synaesthetically colored image, making it a symbolic extends the expressive power due to the formation of a variety of associative linkages. The main types of suggestive landscape are: associative, illogical, paradoxical, and affectational. Poetics of Fedyuk’s suggestion is based on a comparison of the contrasting, which is achieved through the use of images with drastically opposite coloring. In the depiction of landscapes in the evening and night, the poet continued and developed the traditions of suggestive lyrics initiated by B.-I. Antonych, P. Tychina, M. Vingranovskiy, M. Vorobyov.

Author Biography

Nina Anisimova, Бердянський державний педагогічний університет

д. філол. наук, доцент


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Поетика художнього твору