Psychological portrait of a creative person in the story by Volodymyr Danylenko „My dear Sunny, black and hairy”.


  • Tamara Nikoliuk Луцький національний технічний університет


motivation, motive, need, fear, conflict, self-esteem, outlook, behavior


The article investigates the features of the psychological portrait of a creative person in the story by Volodymyr Danylenko „My dear Sunny, black and hairy”. Prose by Volodymyr Danylenko is psychological, intellectual, satirical and mystical. His characters believe in dreams, trust intuition, can predict the future, often eccentric personalities and creative characters. It is determined Yevgen Lunio’s motivation, his hierarchy of needs, the characteristics of maladaptive musician's behavior, the behavior in conflict situations. The artist has its own philosophy, principles and trying not to give them. His philosophy is idealistic, not pragmatic and prevents to guide creative potential to meet the material needs of the family, so the family conflicts often arise. In the paper stated, that wife called the hero’s principle „selfishness”, because her husband detachment leads to a constant financial crisis in the family. It is found the main character internal orientation, the features of his mental disorder, the level of his self-esteem and an outlook. It is investigated the features of the hero's art perception, the perception by his family and others. The author realizes known concept of social exclusion of creative people: talented person belongs to a non-conformist type, and its rich inner world causes loneliness need. The author concludes that Eugene Lunio characteristic features are: maladaptive behaviors, nonaccessibility to the outside world, poor knowledge of the area and inability to solve domestic problems. Volodymyr Danylenko in prose work, gives problems of implementing of creative person and its rejection by the environment.

Author Biography

Tamara Nikoliuk, Луцький національний технічний університет

к. філол. наук, доцент


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