Features of the folklorism of the ballads by Stepan Rudansky.
ballad, composition, period, song, literature, motiveAbstract
Stepan Rudanskiy is a writer who left his unique lyric and lyrico-epic-dramatic works for the descendants. Ballad genre is one of the most successfully cultured genres of all his artistic heritage. At the beginning of his creative work, S. Rudanskiy already made the first literary attempts in the ballad genre. All his ballad works can be relatively divided into two periods, “kam’yanetspodilskiy” and “St. Petersburg”. The Ukrainian folklore became the main ferment of the ballads plot creation of these periods. Ballads of “kam'yanets-podilskiy” and “St. Petersburg” periods of S. Rudanskiy's work are united by the “based on folklore” principle and cultivation of national poetic motives and images. The richness of emotional tonality and rhythmic are typical for the ballads of Stepan Rudanskiy. The poet developed the ballad genre after Shevchenko’s period, prolonged its history, brought his works close to the national people's life of Ukraine of various times, added toponymical and onymical specifics, enriched the human image and his relations with the world. He confirmed romantic and romantically realistic creative style that is why the fantasy fiction is harmonically connected with the pictures of reality. The breadth of emotional intonation range marks the ballads: from the high romantic pathetics to the deepest drama. The sharpness and intensity of the plot, dramatic tonality, romantic excitement, and epic intensity, lyric and dramatic way of representation, organic unity with its era and the world of national poetic images determine the originality of the ballads of Stepan Rudanskiy.References
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