The idea of the kin as a concept of the national being of Ukrainians (based on mythology and folklore).
kin, family, tree of life, tree of the kin, cult of ancestors, calendar and family ritualsAbstract
The primary aim of the article is, analyzing the data of mythology and folklore, mainly ritual genres of the least, to systematize the representation and the complicity of “family” and the “genus” concepts in structure of beliefs of our distant ancestors, whose origins reach the pagan age, and to determine their place in our people spiritual culture in forthcoming centuries. The place of family values in the modern Ukrainian culture was also determined during the study. It was concluded that primal idea of kin had been personalized in the person of “Rod”, the first god of pagan Slavic pantheon. The image of ideal family had been inscribed in the myth about Rod and his wife – goddess “Earth” (Earth-Mother). It is stated, according to previous researchers, that ideal of family, blessed weaving of two kins is obviously read through wedding ritual cycle. Honoring of ancestors, cult of dead family members is an important part of Ukrainian model of kin. Both proverbs and rituals had been strongly influenced with idea of integrity, immortality and continuity of kin. Lineage line, as pointed in the study, was metaphorically represented in the universal model of world Tree. Greeting of the dead kinfolk is traced through number of commemorative days of year holidays. Thus, it is summarized, the family values having origins in pre-Christian culture and passing the millennial experience, could be pointed as an integral part of the contemporary worldview of our people, which manifest itself at the mental level and may be qualified as one of the basic foundations for the development of modern society.References
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