A discourse of autobiography in the memoirs of the writers of the Ukrainian diaspora.
poetics, memoir study, autobiography, context, the image of the authorAbstract
In this article it is proved that the author's subjectivity organizing work, creates its artistic integrity and has many forms. Orientation of Hryhoriі Kostiuk thinking on a particular subject, action formed phenomenon in view, which is fixed on paper is the result intention communication in the form of a monologue, I-statements.
All the components of the artistic structure (facts, their location, character and method of narration) are important not only from a historical point of view, but also from the literary one, because skillfully written memoirs contribute to the study of the reflection of the aesthetic category of the writer (embodiment of the author’s plan, his or her presentation of thoughts on paper), who selected the material, artistically worked it out and presented to the readers according to the actual formed world outlook, intentional idea, intentional essence of the consciousness, world understanding. Thus personal attitude to the subject is embodied in the language structure of the work, is the image of the author.
The interaction of the autobiographical (individual) and general (reminiscence background) has led to the form of non-belletristic prose that contributed to the authors how to convey to readers the world-view paradigm, their own universe, understanding of the world, and to convey the spirit of the age, to join the process of the erasure of “white spots” in the history of Ukrainian literature.
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