Poetics of laughter culture as an aesthetic and artistic mode of environmental modeling (on the example of emigration memoirs).


  • Alexander Onyshchenko Хмельницька гуманітарно-педагогічна академія




humor, funny culture, genre bricolage, nonfiction prose, author, epigram, satirical-humorous components, discourse


Comprehensive study of laughing culture on the example of memoirs, sponsored by diaspora writers, is considered in Ukrainian literary studies for the first time. For the sake of clarification, the best examples of nonfiction prose are chosen. It is proved that the specificity of the aesthetic experience of the contradiction of reality is read through the prism of the combination of serious and laughter and is connected with human freedom. To enhance the aesthetic perception of the reader's humor and satire, writers turn to syncretism, multi-vector forms of laughter - humorous, joyous, ironic, plucking (sarcasm), flattering, and patriotic.

It is found out that the poetry of laughing culture as a specific branch, which is analyzed within the structure of a documentary, reveals the type of writer's artistic thinking, an individual style. The means of comic. The memoirists captured nationally marked topos and locuses, historical and everyday stories, life strategies of Ukrainian emigration and the nation, emphasizing the importance of ethnic characters, mentality, legends, legends, backed by a powerful cultural resource. The glamorous culture of documentary and documentary prose expresses national color, mentality, complexity of life's conflicts, vicissitudes of fate.

In memoirs writers resort to the use of multi-vector stylistic tools, farcical means: plucking irony, satirical hyperbolization is a central factor in the peculiarity of the artistic and documentary world. Contribute to the creation of a comic effect of events, phenomena, images and various verbal and artistic functions, which are characterized by the disclosure of negative facts, the creation of a laughing atmosphere, the comic character traits, and the regularities of reality. It is proved that the writers, through a ridiculous paradox, a laughingstock culture, adopt philosophical reminiscences, designed for a profound perception of the negative processes observed in the Ukrainian emigration environment. In our opinion, the identified processes for the Ukrainian community remain relevant today.

Author Biography

Alexander Onyshchenko, Хмельницька гуманітарно-педагогічна академія



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Literature of ukrainian emigration