Literary and painting correlation in the short stories by Mykhailo Yatskov.


  • Vira Prosalova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



art, literature, painting, correlation, intermediality, intermedial approach


The intermedial approach to Michael Yatskov’s short stories is used in the paper. This approach makes it possible to reveal how the part of painting is embodied in the author’s artistic thinking. It is emphasized that personal encounters with artists, knowledge of their biographies, creative lives have had significant influence on the creative formation of the writer. Attention is paid to the way how the atmosphere of rivalry between painters, authors’ sympathies and antipathies are reflected in the writer’s novels. It is proved that Ivan Trush was the prototype of Korney Barsuk’s image in the essay “Death of God. Studio with hammer”, and he was marked by the author’s negative attitude. The characters often refer to the paintings for confirming their thoughts and demonstrate good knowledge of art rarities. The article reveals the means to achieve the visual effect in the writer’s works, the function of intermedial inclusions that confirm diversity of author’s interests: from Antiquity era – to the latest trends and tendencies in art. Numerous literary and painting correlations in the novels of the author confirm good knowledge of art history, creative biographies of the painters of different times and peoples: Lyudomyr-Lyudvyg Benedyktovych, Artur Grottger, Ivan Trush, Julian Pankevych, Aubrey Beardsley, Nithardta Mathis and others. It is proved that artistic versatility has become a landmark in the twentieth century. It is determined that figurative-expressive possibilities of M. Yatskov’s artistic expression have been enlarged with his mastering the assets of related arts.

Author Biography

Vira Prosalova, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

д. філол. н., професор


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Comparative studies