Topography of Alien in work Vira Marska “Storm over Lviv”.
topography of alien, response, city space, diasporaAbstract
Philosophy, cultural interpretation problems Alien fully declared itself in the late twentieth century. It was prepared by the previous theoretical and philosophical discourse (Plato, Aristotle, G.W.F Hegel). The preparation of contemporary stage was joined by E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, H. G. Gadamer, E. Levinas and others. Proposed in this article reading of story “Storm over Lviv” by Vira Marska (was published in 1944) is condacted in terms of clarifying the topography of Alien is based on works by B. Waldenfels. In characterization of Alien Waldenfels identifies three aspects: location, ownership, kin, because Alien is out of Native borders, comes out of its belonging to the Other, is alien in origin. Among these aspects, according to the philosopher, the most important aspect is the location. The characters of the story are experiencing “alienation” as in the immediate situations and its long forms. All the characters are geographically in the same world, but this world get historical and cultural variabilities depending on the identity of the character. So, Oksana stays in her apartment, a house, a city, even at work, which has all the hallmarks of “Native”, but changing of historical circumstances (the war, the arrival of foreign armies) turn it into a zone of “otherness”. B. Waldenfels’s assumptions of intersections of Alien and Native, call and response as a mode of communication between subject and Alien are also traced baesd V. Marska’s text.References
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