Cultural interpretation of the mytologem of fate in the poetry of Vasyl Stus.


  • Valentyna Krasnikova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



myth, mythologem, fate, misfortune, happiness, sorrow, fatum


The article contains an attempt to do a cultural analysis of the mythologem of fate in the works of Vasyl Stus. The article deals with the semantics of the word fate in the scientific literature and in the understanding of V. Stus. A comparative analysis of the components of this mythology in Ukrainian culture, folklore and creativity of the poet is carried out. The dynamics of development of this mythology in different periods of the poet's work was traced.

It is noted that in scientific researches of a number of humanities, one of the key concepts is the myth as the embodiment of national mentality, the original code of archetypes, symbols, meanings, representations, beliefs. At the moment, the study of the myth and myths of the artistic text, which reveals the specificity of not only the idiostyle of certain authors, but also the cultures of the people, taking into account his mythological notions, is considerably intensified. At this time, there is a noticeable shift in the emphasis on the study of Vasyl Stus's work: in the late 1990s, a complex and diverse study of the text comes into place to replace literary criticism.

The key concept of the article is the mythologeme, which is isolated in culturology as an independent author's image, built on the system of traditional cultural and literary paradigms, whose structure is formed on the ancient mythological foundations. Instead, the notion of mythologeme involves appealing to mythological plots, scenes, images that are characterized by globality and versatility. The term "mythologeme" has an ambivalent nature, in particular, it is a mythological material and a ground for creating new material.

The article emphasizes that in the traditional cultures of the past and present, fate is one of the central concepts associated with the value orientations of the personality, its religious guidelines and mentality; therefore, it appears as an object of analysis within the various sciences: philosophy, religion, literary studies, linguistics, ethics, psychology, history.

Characteristics of the types, place and role of phenomenon of mythologem of fate in the poetry of different periods was given. There was given a comparison of the understanding of fate in the works of Vasyl Stus, in the culture overall, in Taras Shevchenko's folklore and poetry.

It is determined that the mythology of the fate in the work of V. Stus is in close connection with the fate of the poet himself and the fate of the people and is revealed through such concepts: fate / disadvantage, happiness / misfortune, road, talan, fatu. This understanding of fate resounds with the vision of the problem in folklore and the works of Taras Shevchenko. Promising is the culturological analysis of Vasyl Stus's work in other aspects.

Author Biography

Valentyna Krasnikova, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент


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Perception of Vasil Stus' life and works