Vasyl Stus, Taras Melnychuk, Volodymyr Zabastansky and Shevchenko Space of Ukraine.


  • Iryna Zelenenka ВДПУ імені М. Коцюбинського
  • Viktor Krupka ВДПУ імені М. Коцюбинського



image-symbol, metaphor, existential, tightness, resistance movement, dissidents


The article deals with the image-symbol of Ukraine in the verses of dissidents Vasyl Stus, Taras Melnychuk and Volodymyr Zabashtansky. The fatherland was in the center of the artistic creation of these lyricists, the victims of a totalitarian state, partly due to the kind of knight cult cultivated around it in the sixties. Vasyl Stus and Volodymyr Zabastansky have a direct bearing on Podillya, Taras Melnychuk spent his first term in prison of Vinnytsia. For these poets, the theme of Ukraine in understanding of the suffering, sacrifice and prophetic illusions of Taras Shevchenko became brightleading.

Taras Shevchenko's poetry is a prototype for the poems of many poets who sought liberation from colonial pressure. That is exactly what led to the prophetic intonations concerning the finale of the earth's path in the versification of the poets of resistance movement, similar to the intonations “I grew up in a foreign land ...” by Taras Shevchenko. Vasyl Stus in the message “My Nation, I'll return to you ...” transmits not the actual infernal vision, but proclaims the Christian spiritual resurrection after reburial in his native lands. Taras Melnychuk does not blindly mimic Kobzar, but locates in infernal initiations with the help of the USSR toponymy. Volodymyr Zabastansky summarizes in the form of a parable. Vasyl Stus is no less apocalyptic than Taras Melnychuk, in particular, in redefining the fate of Ukraine and Alla Gorska as a victim, a Ukrainian woman. Taras Melnychuk and Volodymyr Zabastansky did not resort to the revision of the redefinition of women's sacrifice in the intellectual struggle for freedom and the will of the nation, they moved emphasis towards generalization of women's and maternal fate.

The works of poets of the movement of resistance and dissidents, whose young muse was named in the sixties and associated with Podillya, that is, Vasyl Stus, Taras Melnychuk, and Volodymyr Zabastansky, testify that the problem for poets was first not to develop the thinking of the new time, but the realization of freedom and independence through the prism of their own tragedies, the fate of brilliant classics and martyrs, in particular Taras Shevchenko. Although Volodymyr Zabastansky is a publicist neo-romantic, a declarative in his letter, Vasyl Stus dominates intellectually existential spasmism, while in Taras Melnychuk the intuitionalsubconscious folklore, their impressions are rooted in Shevchenko's traditions, their creativity is perceived as an extension of Shevchenko's prophecies and warnings on the fate of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Iryna Zelenenka, ВДПУ імені М. Коцюбинського

кандидат філологічних наук, старший викладач

Viktor Krupka, ВДПУ імені М. Коцюбинського

кандидат філологічних наук, старший викладач


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Perception of Vasil Stus' life and works