Ukraine, Siberia and the Far East in the function of Ivan Bagryaniy and Vasyl Stus.


  • Natalia Skvira Інститут літератури імені Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України



topos, Siberia, Far East, Ukraine, the dichotomy «own–alien»


The tops of Siberia, Far East and Ukraine in Ivan Bagryaniy’s “Tiger-hunters” and Vasyl Stus’s “Palimpsests” are examined in the article. On the basis of a comparison of multi-genre works, the similarity of topos of Siberia, Far East to various authors is established, primarily due to their coercive nature of staying in these places, the unusual nature of the landscape, the living conditions. Despite the complexity of the conditions of stay, the authors of the analyzed works do not lose optimism, trying to convince the reader that a strange land can become a shelter for them, reward them for hard work. Taking into account the genre specificity of the novel “Tigerhunters” by Ivan Bagryaniy, the author of the article concludes that the novel form enables the prose writer in detail to panoramic the realities of life and life of tigrolos. The lyrics of the collection Vasyl Stus “Palimpsests” mostly convey the impression of another’s land, its strict nature, which appears to be a silent witness to events. At the same time, it is felt and fascination with pristine beauty, because the poet involves natural phenomena in their interlocutors.

Siberian and Far-Eastern region is interpreted as a place of exile, resettlement, and is also associated with «spiritual development» (a kind of «resurrection» (Yu. Lotman), which is an implementation of the dichotomy “own–alien”: new location (“Tiger-hunters”) or a returning to the native (“Palimpsests”); nature is revealed in the works of both writers with the constants of strangeness, exoticism and it differs from the Ukrainian one. Bagryaniy, describing the customs of Ukrainians, telling about their conditions of life and features of hunting in the Amur tail, accentuates the differences caused by circumstances, fractions

Author Biography

Natalia Skvira, Інститут літератури імені Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України

кандидат філологічних наук, старший науковий співробітник


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Perception of Vasil Stus' life and works