The exile as a text in a small prose of Vitaly Bender.
existentialism, poetics, motive, being, initiation, exile, alienation, emigrationAbstract
The article deals with the ideological and philosophical vision of emigration being, reflected in the small prose of Vitaly Bender, a Ukrainian writer, journalist, social activist of emigration in the second half of the twentieth century.
It is noted that the appeal to the artistic heritage of Vitaliy Bender today is a kind of gesture of the return of this undeservedly unknown in the Homeland's name to the literary and polytheistic circulation. The practice when the artist gets more recognition abroad than in his native country is generally characteristic of the Ukrainian literary process of the twentieth century, during which a whole array of artistic texts of emigrant writers was created, most of which had only an ethnic connection with Ukraine, with different successfully adapting to foreign territories. The work of Vitaly Bender, a prose writer and essayist, practically all of whose creative life she has been in the UK, is still priceless in his homeland. This is confirmed by a very small number of explorations devoted to the literary and journalistic heritage of the artist.
It is emphasized that in the analyzed works of Vitaliy Bender the writer shows events that put the whole nation on the verge of survival, but paradoxically, they help to identify the best features of its character, which, in fact, help the nation to survive in a decisive situation. The wave of emigration, to which Vitaliy Bender belonged, was inspired by the events of the Second World War. War and emigration are two main problems to which the writer addressed his small prose. These are the situations in which the price of human existence is especially acute - something that does not pay attention to peaceful times.
It is determined that the measure of existentialism, deliberately or unconsciously chosen by the writer, appears as a result of the aesthetic and philosophical searches of the twentieth century, which were perceived by Bender and artistically transformed in the post-war periodist poetry. Existential problems that have to be solved by his heroes are a reflection of those global and individual tragedies and disasters that have had a huge impact on the development of human thought and self-awareness and experiences of their being in the world.
Traces the parallels between the poetics of exile forced by Bender and the prose writer's appeals to existential issues in post-war modernist writing. Vitaliy Bender considers the life of the emigrant as a continuous existential initiation in a new space, therefore one can assert the author's organic philosophical affiliation and his work to the general artistic and philosophical discourse of the Ukrainian writer's diaspora of the post-war age.
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