Vitaistic City Model in Ukrainian Artistic Prose of 1920-ies.
modernism, culture, civilization, prose, city, art, vitaismAbstract
The article explores the theme of urbanism in Ukrainian modernist prose of the 1920s. The artistic model of the city as a cultural and aesthetic space in the context of Oswald Spengler's historiographical theory of the "Twilight of Europe" is analyzed. Modernist writers – A. Lyubchenko, M. Khvylovy, G. Shkurupiy, O. Dovzhenko, Y. Yanovsky and others, expressing their philosophical paradigm of culture / civilization, express their own original ideas and social wisdom in the artistic understanding of a particular national being. They believed that the city was gradually forming a new type of human worldview, adequate to a rationally organized economy. Such an opinion is read in the figurative and philosophical structures of the metatext of Ukrainian prose writers. Considering the national mentality, the Ukrainian community, following the historical necessity, chooses the path of civilization to the history of human life. In modernist prose, Ukraine's social progress is linked to the city.
The vision of the national world implied a certain ideal state. It is a full-fledged social structure that brings together two types of being – rural and urban. The Ukrainian future is modeled as a harmonious and complete integrity, as a natural and civilizational edema combining spirituality and technological achievements.
It is established that faith, romantic pathos, optimism, vitaism determine the spirit, orientation, emotional coloring of the theme of Ukraine in the works of writers of the national revival period. They found a way to combine European rationality with living Ukrainian spirituality, in which the image of the Motherland is creatively modeled.
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