Artistik modeling of events and heroes in Andreiy Hudyma’s novels in verse.


  • Valentina Bilatska Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка»



modeling, poem-novel, an conjecture, a fact, an image, Kobzar, symbol, Koliivshina, Andriy Hudyma


The paper conceptualizes the complex events in Koliivshchyna in Andrew Hudyma`s historical poem-novel “Bubbled Eagles”, also it is considered the images of brave leaders – Maksim Zalizniak, Ivan Gaunt – in the light of folk and historical sources.

Taking into account that this poem- novel was printed more than two hundred years ago but like in the folk art the reliable facts and events are also covered artistic fiction (a murder of church warden Danylo, the consecration of knives in the Black Yar,the crimes of confederates etc.). The work consists of a prologue and three parts: “Blagovest”, “In the heat of hellish pain”, “Dance of Fire”, each of which has multiple partitions, indicating the place names of historical events.

In addition to historical sources, the highly model on the poem -novel “Bubbled Eagles” is the poem “Gaydamak” Shevchenko. These works have much in common: a plot – based semantic model, poetic estimates of folk events, image protagonists and in genre definition (I. Bezpechnyi, O. Sloniovs`ka prove that it is a historical poem-novel).

A. Hudyma showed the movement of haydamak not as a blind revolt against aristocratic oppression but and organized rising with a clear purpose – to free farmers from the Polish cruel exploitation, to get national will and to achieve the Hetman revival. Representant “suremnopainful” hours in Ukraine, the singer of the events and the expression of the views of the author are Kobzar. The main characters of the novel in poems submitted by the author and biographical data about them, and historical and folk sources. Maksim Zalizniak appears as an ordinary man looking for the solutions from difficult circumstances, in everyday communication with villagers, in conversations with loved Orylia and in thoughts of his mother. Also it mentioned in the novel other participants of the uprising, they are documented – Andriy Zhurba, Mykyta Shvachka, Pavlo Taran, Nezhyvyi Semen and those who helped to destroy Haidamaks betrayal and their leaders – brothers Hdyshytskiy, Kshemus`kiy, Kologrivov, Guriev.

“Bubbled Eagles” – an artistic reminder for the descendants about Koliivshchyna, like as a page of heroic past of the people, like as a call for the awakening of national consciousness.


Author Biography

Valentina Bilatska, Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка»

доктор філологічних наук, професор


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Artistic thinking historical past in literature