The defense system of Vasyl Stus: ethics and the creative process.


  • Olga Punina Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



ethics, creative process, introvert, expressionist, letters, memories


The concept of the «defense system» of man and writer Vasyl Stus is proposed in the article. The material for such research was Vasyl Stus’s epistolary, the memories and the apt characteristics of his friends. The analysis is carried out on the border with Jung’s analytical psychology, in particular his theory of psychotype. Key questions of the theory of psychotype: how man acts and orientates in the world? how does a person perceive an external stimulus? how does a person respond to this stimulus? It is about what is the individual identity of a person, which is manifested in his decisions, feelings, actions, assessments. In the case of Vasyl Stus’s personality, the answer may be: Vasil Stus acts, perceives and reacts acutely, vulnerablely, expansively, focusing on internal personal factors and permanently defending himself on many levels: linguistic, mental, ideological, physical. The defense position in which Stus is in relation to the real world (the position of a typical introvert) forms his specific defense system ‒ ethical, especially when considering the fact that he has to defend his own position throughout his life. In the case of Vasyl Stus, ethical maximalism is a well-defined imperative in the realm of ethics in general and one’s own behavior. Basically it is about Vasyl Stus as a typical expressionist artist. Another perspective of Vasyl Stus defensive position is the creative process which, according to the metaphorical commentary of the writer, is his support in the conditions of constant defense. In the current circumstances, an artificially created subjective world, an artistic one where the inner reality is seen as much more important, becomes of great importance to Vasyl Stus. From a psychological standpoint, it is about the movement of the psychic energy of the author towards the inner world – the way the mechanism of introversion works. Prone to loneliness, the tacit and humble nature of Vasyl Stus in the situation of prisoner prison, the exile is as far removed from reality and focuses on his creative work as circumstances permit.

Author Biography

Olga Punina, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії та історії української і світової літератури


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Creative identity of writer: text and context